Moscow Astronomical Club is an independent non-governmental non-profit public organization. It was created to unite amateur astronomers from Moscow and the nearest Moscow suburbs, to create conditions for their communication, joint leisure and observation, mutual assistance and to promote the development of amateur astronomy in Moscow and Russia.
The club was established in December 1993 - January 1994. under the name "Moscow club of amateurs of astronomy" by the general decision of about 90 amateur astronomers from Moscow and the Moscow region gathered for the Constituent Assembly. Then the first Charter of the club was adopted. Subsequently, it was subjected to changes, and in 2004 the club was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as a regional public organization. At the same time, the club's charter took its final form. In addition to the Charter, in its activities the club is guided by the Membership Regulations, which in more detail disclose certain issues of the club's life.
In May 1996, the decision of the General Assembly changed the name of the club to that which it now bears - the Moscow Astronomical Club.